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Java Projects



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Please note that some of these projects are presented as a showcase of my work during a specific period. They represent a snapshot of my skills and accomplishments at that time. As such, these projects are no longer actively maintained or updated. These repositories contain a disclaimer indicating that they are archived. They are kept public for demonstration purposes and may not reflect my current abilities or the latest best practices in the field.

However, feel free to learn from these archived projects, preserved as they were during that specific period!


  1. Java Web Server
  2. Java Converter App
  3. Java Flappy Bird
  4. Java Coding Problems

Java Highlights

About Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

The C language is excellent in system programming. But Java is known for creating applications, particularly web apps.

But have you ever asked yourself what is OOP?

When a programmer is dealing with system programming, it is not much needed but when he/she is creating user applications, there is a great need for OOP.

In basic terms, think of this situation: if ever virtually you can treat the things that you are manipulating as real objects virtually, that will simplify your work, isn’t it?

Say, you can treat exactly a 3D box as a 3D box. Your code will act upon as if it’s an object. That’s the essence of being an OOP language. If that box will be expressed using the C language purely, how would you do it? How would you manipulate data in terms of that? Surely, that will complicate things.

But again, OOP has its own uses, particularly when you are creating user applications like web apps.



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